Särö/Budskärs väder - Yearly Wind Reports  
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Årlig vindsammanfattning

Fram till september 2011 var anemometern placerad på en något vindskyddad plats vilket gjorde att den uppmätta vinden var lägre än den verkliga. Nu mera finns vindmätaren i en mobilmast fritt 18m över mark.

Observera att väderdata registreras efter midnatt varje dag.
Övriga sammanfattningar: RAIN   TEMP

Maximal vindhastighet (m/s)
202529.9 19.0* ----------29.9*
202426.2 37.6 18.0 23.2 17.0* 20.1* 24.7 25.7 23.7 22.6 25.7 24.2 37.6*
202325.7 26.2 22.6 18.5 18.5 17.5 22.6 26.2* 26.8 27.8 25.7 25.2 27.8*
202230.9 22.1 41.7 41.2 41.2 41.2 41.2 19.6 23.2 24.7 24.2 27.3 41.7
202123.7 16.5 23.2 23.7 18.0 18.5 18.0* 17.5 23.7 19.6 21.6 19.6 23.7*
202026.2 28.8 30.9 27.8 16.0 23.7 19.6 16.5 18.5 19.6 23.2 28.3 30.9
201923.2 22.1* 23.2 21.6 18.5 18.5 19.6 18.5 23.2 24.7 18.0 27.3 27.3*
201823.7 24.2 18.5 21.6 14.9 18.0 14.9 21.6 24.7 24.7 24.2 17.5 24.7
201726.8 22.1 24.2 22.6 22.6 20.6 19.0 17.5 18.5 27.8 19.6 20.6 27.8
201621.6 26.2 22.1 22.1 16.0 17.0 16.5 19.6 22.1 19.0 25.7 26.8 26.8
201533.5 22.1 23.7 22.1 22.1 22.1 19.6 19.0 22.1 21.6 34.0 29.3 34.0
201423.7 23.7 27.3 21.1 18.0 19.0 22.1 24.2 24.7 22.1 22.1 22.1 27.3
201319.0 17.0 20.6 20.6 25.7 18.5 18.0 22.1 19.0 28.3 20.6 34.5 34.5
201222.6 16.5 18.0 15.4 16.0 12.4 11.8 11.3 19.0 23.2 19.0 23.7 23.7
201116.0 22.1 13.4 17.5 15.4 13.4 9.8 15.4 17.5 17.0 29.9 23.7 29.9
201011.8 12.9 11.8 14.9 13.4 14.9 13.4 19.0 15.4 23.2 19.0 13.4 23.2
200915.4 10.8 15.4 12.4 14.9 12.9 14.4 11.8 17.0 19.6 15.4 11.3 19.6
2008--13.4* 13.4 9.3 15.4* 9.8 17.0 14.4 18.0 19.0 17.5 19.0*
Max33.5 37.6 41.7 41.2 41.2 41.2 41.2 26.2 26.8 28.3 34.0 34.5 41.7
Genomsnittlig maximal vindhastighet (m/s)
202514.0 1.7 m/s higher than the average Maximum January wind. 11.2 0.8 m/s lower than the average Maximum February wind. ----------12.8 0.9 m/s higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
202416.4 4.1 m/s higher than the average Maximum January wind. 15.0 3 m/s higher than the average Maximum February wind. 12.4 0.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum March wind. 14.1 1.4 m/s higher than the average Maximum April wind. 11.4 0.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 12.4 0.3 m/s higher than the average Maximum June wind. 11.5 0.9 m/s higher than the average Maximum July wind. 13.2 2.7 m/s higher than the average Maximum August wind. 10.7 0.7 m/s lower than the average Maximum September wind. 12.7   12.6 0.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum November wind. 14.6 2.1 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 13.1 1.2 m/s higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
202315.2 2.9 m/s higher than the average Maximum January wind. 14.1 2.1 m/s higher than the average Maximum February wind. 14.0 2.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum March wind. 13.2 0.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum April wind. 11.6 0.3 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 9.9 2.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 14.1 3.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum July wind. 11.9 1.4 m/s higher than the average Maximum August wind. 12.5 1.1 m/s higher than the average Maximum September wind. 16.5 3.8 m/s higher than the average Maximum October wind. 12.7 0.3 m/s higher than the average Maximum November wind. 13.8 1.3 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 13.3 1.4 m/s higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
20228.9 3.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum January wind. 15.0 3 m/s higher than the average Maximum February wind. 18.4 6.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum March wind. 35.2 22.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum April wind. 39.5 27.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum May wind. 40.8 28.7 m/s higher than the average Maximum June wind. 22.1 11.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum July wind. 10.5   12.2 0.8 m/s higher than the average Maximum September wind. 14.2 1.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum October wind. 14.6 2.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum November wind. 13.6 1.1 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 20.4 8.5 m/s higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
202110.9 1.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum January wind. 11.6 0.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum February wind. 11.1 0.7 m/s lower than the average Maximum March wind. 13.2 0.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum April wind. 10.5 1.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 10.7 1.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 10.4 0.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum July wind. 10.7 0.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum August wind. 9.9 1.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum September wind. 14.9 2.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum October wind. 12.4   11.5 1 m/s lower than the average Maximum December wind. 11.5 0.4 m/s lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
202015.7 3.4 m/s higher than the average Maximum January wind. 16.9 4.9 m/s higher than the average Maximum February wind. 14.1 2.3 m/s higher than the average Maximum March wind. 13.1 0.4 m/s higher than the average Maximum April wind. 9.5 2.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 9.2 2.9 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 12.0 1.4 m/s higher than the average Maximum July wind. 9.5 1 m/s lower than the average Maximum August wind. 12.3 0.9 m/s higher than the average Maximum September wind. 13.1 0.4 m/s higher than the average Maximum October wind. 13.7 1.3 m/s higher than the average Maximum November wind. 12.9 0.4 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 12.6 0.7 m/s higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
201911.8 0.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum January wind. 11.9 0.1 m/s lower than the average Maximum February wind. 13.4 1.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum March wind. 11.9 0.8 m/s lower than the average Maximum April wind. 12.9 1 m/s higher than the average Maximum May wind. 12.4 0.3 m/s higher than the average Maximum June wind. 11.2 0.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum July wind. 11.3 0.8 m/s higher than the average Maximum August wind. 13.4 2 m/s higher than the average Maximum September wind. 12.1 0.6 m/s lower than the average Maximum October wind. 12.3 0.1 m/s lower than the average Maximum November wind. 13.4 0.9 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 12.3 0.4 m/s higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
201813.4 1.1 m/s higher than the average Maximum January wind. 12.2 0.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum February wind. 11.2 0.6 m/s lower than the average Maximum March wind. 12.6 0.1 m/s lower than the average Maximum April wind. 6.5 5.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 9.4 2.7 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 6.8 3.8 m/s lower than the average Maximum July wind. 11.1 0.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum August wind. 15.2 3.8 m/s higher than the average Maximum September wind. 14.1 1.4 m/s higher than the average Maximum October wind. 11.4 1 m/s lower than the average Maximum November wind. 11.9 0.6 m/s lower than the average Maximum December wind. 11.3 0.6 m/s lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
201711.3 1 m/s lower than the average Maximum January wind. 12.5 0.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum February wind. 13.4 1.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum March wind. 12.7   11.0 0.9 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 13.7 1.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum June wind. 11.2 0.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum July wind. 11.7 1.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum August wind. 11.3 0.1 m/s lower than the average Maximum September wind. 12.3 0.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum October wind. 12.0 0.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum November wind. 13.5 1 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 12.2 0.3 m/s higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
201612.5 0.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum January wind. 12.2 0.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum February wind. 9.6 2.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum March wind. 12.6 0.1 m/s lower than the average Maximum April wind. 10.4 1.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 11.2 0.9 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 10.7 0.1 m/s higher than the average Maximum July wind. 12.9 2.4 m/s higher than the average Maximum August wind. 10.8 0.6 m/s lower than the average Maximum September wind. 12.3 0.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum October wind. 14.3 1.9 m/s higher than the average Maximum November wind. 13.0 0.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 11.9  
201517.3 5 m/s higher than the average Maximum January wind. 13.3 1.3 m/s higher than the average Maximum February wind. 14.1 2.3 m/s higher than the average Maximum March wind. 12.7   14.0 2.1 m/s higher than the average Maximum May wind. 12.0 0.1 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 12.2 1.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum July wind. 11.6 1.1 m/s higher than the average Maximum August wind. 12.6 1.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum September wind. 11.5 1.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum October wind. 15.2 2.8 m/s higher than the average Maximum November wind. 16.1 3.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 13.6 1.7 m/s higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
201416.7 4.4 m/s higher than the average Maximum January wind. 15.9 3.9 m/s higher than the average Maximum February wind. 14.4 2.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum March wind. 11.8 0.9 m/s lower than the average Maximum April wind. 10.2 1.7 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 10.7 1.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 11.1 0.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum July wind. 13.0 2.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum August wind. 10.9 0.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum September wind. 15.1 2.4 m/s higher than the average Maximum October wind. 12.6 0.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum November wind. 12.8 0.3 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 12.9 1 m/s higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
201311.6 0.7 m/s lower than the average Maximum January wind. 9.2 2.8 m/s lower than the average Maximum February wind. 12.4 0.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum March wind. 12.7   13.4 1.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum May wind. 12.1   10.8 0.2 m/s higher than the average Maximum July wind. 11.4 0.9 m/s higher than the average Maximum August wind. 11.1 0.3 m/s lower than the average Maximum September wind. 13.8 1.1 m/s higher than the average Maximum October wind. 14.0 1.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum November wind. 18.1 5.6 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 12.6 0.7 m/s higher than the average maximum yearly wind.
20129.8 2.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum January wind. 8.8 3.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum February wind. 8.6 3.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum March wind. 8.8 3.9 m/s lower than the average Maximum April wind. 9.2 2.7 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 7.9 4.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 7.0 3.6 m/s lower than the average Maximum July wind. 6.4 4.1 m/s lower than the average Maximum August wind. 14.4 3 m/s higher than the average Maximum September wind. 13.0 0.3 m/s higher than the average Maximum October wind. 13.4 1 m/s higher than the average Maximum November wind. 13.2 0.7 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 10.0 1.9 m/s lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
20117.1 5.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum January wind. 9.8 2.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum February wind. 9.0 2.8 m/s lower than the average Maximum March wind. 7.9 4.8 m/s lower than the average Maximum April wind. 9.5 2.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 8.3 3.8 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 7.2 3.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum July wind. 8.2 2.3 m/s lower than the average Maximum August wind. 10.0 1.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum September wind. 10.1 2.6 m/s lower than the average Maximum October wind. 7.8 4.6 m/s lower than the average Maximum November wind. 13.0 0.5 m/s higher than the average Maximum December wind. 9.0 2.9 m/s lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
20107.8 4.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum January wind. 7.6 4.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum February wind. 7.8 4 m/s lower than the average Maximum March wind. 9.0 3.7 m/s lower than the average Maximum April wind. 8.2 3.7 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 7.6 4.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 7.5 3.1 m/s lower than the average Maximum July wind. 8.2 2.3 m/s lower than the average Maximum August wind. 8.8 2.6 m/s lower than the average Maximum September wind. 8.9 3.8 m/s lower than the average Maximum October wind. 10.2 2.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum November wind. 7.0 5.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum December wind. 8.2 3.7 m/s lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
20098.8 3.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum January wind. 6.7 5.3 m/s lower than the average Maximum February wind. 9.3 2.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum March wind. 7.6 5.1 m/s lower than the average Maximum April wind. 9.0 2.9 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 8.2 3.9 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 8.1 2.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum July wind. 8.3 2.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum August wind. 10.1 1.3 m/s lower than the average Maximum September wind. 9.2 3.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum October wind. 10.6 1.8 m/s lower than the average Maximum November wind. 7.3 5.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum December wind. 8.6 3.3 m/s lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
2008--6.9 4.9 m/s lower than the average Maximum March wind. 7.5 5.2 m/s lower than the average Maximum April wind. 5.5 6.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum May wind. 9.0 3.1 m/s lower than the average Maximum June wind. 6.8 3.8 m/s lower than the average Maximum July wind. 9.1 1.4 m/s lower than the average Maximum August wind. 7.8 3.6 m/s lower than the average Maximum September wind. 12.2 0.5 m/s lower than the average Maximum October wind. 10.6 1.8 m/s lower than the average Maximum November wind. 7.6 4.9 m/s lower than the average Maximum December wind. 8.3 3.6 m/s lower than the average maximum yearly wind.
Medel12.3 12.0 11.8 12.7 11.9 12.1 10.6 10.5 11.4 12.7 12.4 12.5 11.9
Genomsnittlig vindhastighet (m/s)
20255.3 1.1 m/s higher than the average  January wind. 3.5 0.6 m/s lower than the average  February wind. ----------4.6 0.8 m/s higher than the average  yearly wind.
20245.5 1.3 m/s higher than the average  January wind. 5.1 1 m/s higher than the average  February wind. 4.2 0.7 m/s higher than the average  March wind. 4.8 1.1 m/s higher than the average  April wind. 3.4 0.2 m/s higher than the average  May wind. 5.0 1.6 m/s higher than the average  June wind. 4.7 1.3 m/s higher than the average  July wind. 5.1 1.6 m/s higher than the average  August wind. 3.8   5.0 0.8 m/s higher than the average  October wind. 4.9 0.8 m/s higher than the average  November wind. 5.4 1.1 m/s higher than the average  December wind. 4.7 0.9 m/s higher than the average  yearly wind.
20235.5 1.3 m/s higher than the average  January wind. 5.0 0.9 m/s higher than the average  February wind. 4.6 1.1 m/s higher than the average  March wind. 4.3 0.6 m/s higher than the average  April wind. 4.0 0.8 m/s higher than the average  May wind. 3.5 0.1 m/s higher than the average  June wind. 6.3 2.9 m/s higher than the average  July wind. 4.6 1.1 m/s higher than the average  August wind. 4.8 1 m/s higher than the average  September wind. 6.2 2 m/s higher than the average  October wind. 4.0 0.1 m/s lower than the average  November wind. 5.0 0.7 m/s higher than the average  December wind. 4.8 1 m/s higher than the average  yearly wind.
20224.6 0.4 m/s higher than the average  January wind. 8.1 4 m/s higher than the average  February wind. 3.8 0.3 m/s higher than the average  March wind. 5.8 2.1 m/s higher than the average  April wind. 6.6 3.4 m/s higher than the average  May wind. 7.2 3.8 m/s higher than the average  June wind. 5.7 2.3 m/s higher than the average  July wind. 3.8 0.3 m/s higher than the average  August wind. 4.1 0.3 m/s higher than the average  September wind. 5.5 1.3 m/s higher than the average  October wind. 5.1 1 m/s higher than the average  November wind. 4.9 0.6 m/s higher than the average  December wind. 5.4 1.6 m/s higher than the average  yearly wind.
20213.6 0.6 m/s lower than the average  January wind. 3.9 0.2 m/s lower than the average  February wind. 3.9 0.4 m/s higher than the average  March wind. 4.7 1 m/s higher than the average  April wind. 3.2   3.2 0.2 m/s lower than the average  June wind. 2.8 0.6 m/s lower than the average  July wind. 3.1 0.4 m/s lower than the average  August wind. 1.9 1.9 m/s lower than the average  September wind. 3.9 0.3 m/s lower than the average  October wind. 3.7 0.4 m/s lower than the average  November wind. 2.8 1.5 m/s lower than the average  December wind. 3.4 0.4 m/s lower than the average  yearly wind.
20206.1 1.9 m/s higher than the average  January wind. 6.8 2.7 m/s higher than the average  February wind. 4.9 1.4 m/s higher than the average  March wind. 4.2 0.5 m/s higher than the average  April wind. 2.8 0.4 m/s lower than the average  May wind. 1.8 1.6 m/s lower than the average  June wind. 4.8 1.4 m/s higher than the average  July wind. 3.2 0.3 m/s lower than the average  August wind. 5.0 1.2 m/s higher than the average  September wind. 4.4 0.2 m/s higher than the average  October wind. 5.7 1.6 m/s higher than the average  November wind. 4.4 0.1 m/s higher than the average  December wind. 4.5 0.7 m/s higher than the average  yearly wind.
20194.0 0.2 m/s lower than the average  January wind. 4.0 0.1 m/s lower than the average  February wind. 4.9 1.4 m/s higher than the average  March wind. 3.2 0.5 m/s lower than the average  April wind. 4.3 1.1 m/s higher than the average  May wind. 3.8 0.4 m/s higher than the average  June wind. 3.7 0.3 m/s higher than the average  July wind. 4.2 0.7 m/s higher than the average  August wind. 5.3 1.5 m/s higher than the average  September wind. 3.9 0.3 m/s lower than the average  October wind. 3.5 0.6 m/s lower than the average  November wind. 4.9 0.6 m/s higher than the average  December wind. 4.2 0.4 m/s higher than the average  yearly wind.
20184.4 0.2 m/s higher than the average  January wind. 4.0 0.1 m/s lower than the average  February wind. 3.0 0.5 m/s lower than the average  March wind. 3.7   2.0 1.2 m/s lower than the average  May wind. 3.4   2.1 1.3 m/s lower than the average  July wind. 3.9 0.4 m/s higher than the average  August wind. 6.5 2.7 m/s higher than the average  September wind. 5.1 0.9 m/s higher than the average  October wind. 3.6 0.5 m/s lower than the average  November wind. 3.8 0.5 m/s lower than the average  December wind. 3.8  
20174.3 0.1 m/s higher than the average  January wind. 4.2 0.1 m/s higher than the average  February wind. 4.6 1.1 m/s higher than the average  March wind. 5.0 1.3 m/s higher than the average  April wind. 3.2   5.1 1.7 m/s higher than the average  June wind. 4.2 0.8 m/s higher than the average  July wind. 4.5 1 m/s higher than the average  August wind. 3.5 0.3 m/s lower than the average  September wind. 3.9 0.3 m/s lower than the average  October wind. 4.6 0.5 m/s higher than the average  November wind. 5.2 0.9 m/s higher than the average  December wind. 4.4 0.6 m/s higher than the average  yearly wind.
20164.5 0.3 m/s higher than the average  January wind. 4.7 0.6 m/s higher than the average  February wind. 3.1 0.4 m/s lower than the average  March wind. 4.4 0.7 m/s higher than the average  April wind. 3.4 0.2 m/s higher than the average  May wind. 3.9 0.5 m/s higher than the average  June wind. 4.4 1 m/s higher than the average  July wind. 5.5 2 m/s higher than the average  August wind. 4.4 0.6 m/s higher than the average  September wind. 4.1 0.1 m/s lower than the average  October wind. 5.3 1.2 m/s higher than the average  November wind. 5.0 0.7 m/s higher than the average  December wind. 4.4 0.6 m/s higher than the average  yearly wind.
20156.6 2.4 m/s higher than the average  January wind. 4.9 0.8 m/s higher than the average  February wind. 4.6 1.1 m/s higher than the average  March wind. 4.5 0.8 m/s higher than the average  April wind. 5.9 2.7 m/s higher than the average  May wind. 5.0 1.6 m/s higher than the average  June wind. 5.0 1.6 m/s higher than the average  July wind. 4.4 0.9 m/s higher than the average  August wind. 4.9 1.1 m/s higher than the average  September wind. 4.2   6.1 2 m/s higher than the average  November wind. 7.0 2.7 m/s higher than the average  December wind. 5.3 1.5 m/s higher than the average  yearly wind.
20146.2 2 m/s higher than the average  January wind. 6.7 2.6 m/s higher than the average  February wind. 5.4 1.9 m/s higher than the average  March wind. 4.4 0.7 m/s higher than the average  April wind. 3.5 0.3 m/s higher than the average  May wind. 2.8 0.6 m/s lower than the average  June wind. 2.9 0.5 m/s lower than the average  July wind. 5.0 1.5 m/s higher than the average  August wind. 2.8 1.1 m/s lower than the average  September wind. 5.1 0.9 m/s higher than the average  October wind. 3.2 0.9 m/s lower than the average  November wind. 4.7 0.4 m/s higher than the average  December wind. 4.4 0.6 m/s higher than the average  yearly wind.
20133.9 0.3 m/s lower than the average  January wind. 3.0 1.1 m/s lower than the average  February wind. 4.3 0.8 m/s higher than the average  March wind. 5.0 1.3 m/s higher than the average  April wind. 4.4 1.2 m/s higher than the average  May wind. 4.7 1.3 m/s higher than the average  June wind. 4.1 0.7 m/s higher than the average  July wind. 4.7 1.2 m/s higher than the average  August wind. 4.2 0.4 m/s higher than the average  September wind. 5.7 1.5 m/s higher than the average  October wind. 5.6 1.5 m/s higher than the average  November wind. 7.7 3.4 m/s higher than the average  December wind. 4.8 1 m/s higher than the average  yearly wind.
20122.1 2.1 m/s lower than the average  January wind. 1.6 2.5 m/s lower than the average  February wind. 1.7 1.8 m/s lower than the average  March wind. 1.8 1.9 m/s lower than the average  April wind. 1.9 1.3 m/s lower than the average  May wind. 1.5 1.9 m/s lower than the average  June wind. 1.2 2.2 m/s lower than the average  July wind. 1.1 2.4 m/s lower than the average  August wind. 6.6 2.8 m/s higher than the average  September wind. 4.9 0.7 m/s higher than the average  October wind. 5.5 1.4 m/s higher than the average  November wind. 4.6 0.3 m/s higher than the average  December wind. 2.9 0.9 m/s lower than the average  yearly wind.
20111.3 2.9 m/s lower than the average  January wind. 2.3 1.8 m/s lower than the average  February wind. 1.8 1.7 m/s lower than the average  March wind. 1.6 2.1 m/s lower than the average  April wind. 1.9 1.3 m/s lower than the average  May wind. 1.7 1.7 m/s lower than the average  June wind. 1.1 2.3 m/s lower than the average  July wind. 1.4 2.1 m/s lower than the average  August wind. 2.1 1.7 m/s lower than the average  September wind. 2.4 1.8 m/s lower than the average  October wind. 1.6 2.5 m/s lower than the average  November wind. 3.1 1.2 m/s lower than the average  December wind. 1.9 1.9 m/s lower than the average  yearly wind.
20101.6 2.6 m/s lower than the average  January wind. 1.5 2.6 m/s lower than the average  February wind. 1.4 2.1 m/s lower than the average  March wind. 2.0 1.7 m/s lower than the average  April wind. 1.5 1.7 m/s lower than the average  May wind. 1.4 2 m/s lower than the average  June wind. 1.4 2 m/s lower than the average  July wind. 1.7 1.8 m/s lower than the average  August wind. 1.8 2 m/s lower than the average  September wind. 1.6 2.6 m/s lower than the average  October wind. 2.3 1.8 m/s lower than the average  November wind. 1.1 3.2 m/s lower than the average  December wind. 1.6 2.2 m/s lower than the average  yearly wind.
20091.8 2.4 m/s lower than the average  January wind. 1.1 3 m/s lower than the average  February wind. 1.8 1.7 m/s lower than the average  March wind. 1.4 2.3 m/s lower than the average  April wind. 1.8 1.4 m/s lower than the average  May wind. 1.5 1.9 m/s lower than the average  June wind. 1.7 1.7 m/s lower than the average  July wind. 1.8 1.7 m/s lower than the average  August wind. 2.2 1.6 m/s lower than the average  September wind. 1.8 2.4 m/s lower than the average  October wind. 2.6 1.5 m/s lower than the average  November wind. 1.4 2.9 m/s lower than the average  December wind. 1.8 2 m/s lower than the average  yearly wind.
2008--1.0 2.5 m/s lower than the average  March wind. 1.2 2.5 m/s lower than the average  April wind. 0.7 2.5 m/s lower than the average  May wind. 1.7 1.7 m/s lower than the average  June wind. 1.0 2.4 m/s lower than the average  July wind. 1.7 1.8 m/s lower than the average  August wind. 1.5 2.3 m/s lower than the average  September wind. 3.0 1.2 m/s lower than the average  October wind. 2.4 1.7 m/s lower than the average  November wind. 1.4 2.9 m/s lower than the average  December wind. 1.6 2.2 m/s lower than the average  yearly wind.
Medel4.2 4.1 3.5 3.7 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.8 4.2 4.1 4.3 3.8
Kursivt värde betyder att månadens/årets siffra är ofullständig.
Beaufort number Description Wind speed
mph km/h kts m/s
0< 1< 1< 1< 0.3
11 – 31.1 – 5.51 – 20.3 – 1.5
24 – 7 5.6 – 113 – 61.6 – 3.4
38 – 1212 – 197 – 103.4 – 5.4
4 13 – 1720 – 2811 – 155.5 – 7.9
5 18 – 2429 – 3816 – 208.0 – 10.7
625 – 3039 – 4921 – 2610.8 – 13.8
731 – 3850 – 6127 – 3313.9 – 17.1
839 – 4662 – 7434 – 4017.2 – 20.7
947 – 5475 – 8841 – 4720.8 – 24.4
1055 – 6389 – 10248 – 5524.5 – 28.4
1164 – 72103 – 11756 – 6328.5 – 32.6
12 > 73> 118> 64> 32.7

Script developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.


Orografisk dimma uppstår då luft tvingas över ett terränghinder, till exempel ett berg, och därigenom avkyls till mättnad.