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METAR Reports and Weather - ESGG

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Distance from station: NE 27kmESGG - Göteborg (Landvetter)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 22 km/h
Temperature: 5°C
Wind Chill: 1°C
Dew Point: 4°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 996 hPa
Summary: Rain showers, Drizzle
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Overcast 244 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ESGG 211220Z 23012KT 9999 SHRADZ OVC008 05/04 Q0996
Rain showers, Drizzle, Overcast
Rain showers
  Visa detaljer för Göteborg (Landvetter)
Distance from station: N 28kmESGP - Göteborg (Säve)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 22 km/h
Temperature: 7°C
Wind Chill: 4°C
Dew Point: 4°C
Humidity: 81%
Barometer: 996 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Partly cloudy 366 m
Mostly cloudy 914 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ESGP 211220Z 22012KT 9999 SCT012 BKN030 07/04 Q0996
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Göteborg (Säve)
Distance from station: NE 419kmESSA - Stockholm (Arlanda)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from NW
Wind: NW 9 km/h
Temperature: -1°C
Wind Chill: -4°C
Dew Point: -2°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 994 hPa
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 152 m
Mostly cloudy 213 m
Overcast 366 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ESSA 211220Z 32005KT 9999 FEW005 BKN007 OVC012 M01/M02 Q0994 TEMPO BKN004
  Visa detaljer för Stockholm (Arlanda)
Distance from station: ENE 404kmESSB - Stockholm (Bromma)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from W
Wind: W 7 km/h
Temperature: 2°C
Wind Chill: 0°C
Dew Point: 2°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 994 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Partly cloudy 183 m
Mostly cloudy 274 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ESSB 211220Z 28004KT 9999 SCT006 BKN009 02/02 Q0994
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Stockholm (Bromma)
Distance from station: ENE 323kmESKN - Stockholm (Skavsta)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from WSW
Wind: WSW 13 km/h
Temperature: 5°C
Wind Chill: 2°C
Dew Point: 4°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 994 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 732 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ESKN 211220Z 24007KT 9999 BKN024 05/04 Q0994
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Stockholm (Skavsta)
Distance from station: SSE 238kmESMS - Malmö flygplats (Sturup)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 30 km/h
Temperature: 6°C
Wind Chill: 2°C
Dew Point: 6°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 1002 hPa
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Overcast 213 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ESMS 211220Z 23016KT 9999 OVC007 06/06 Q1002
  Visa detaljer för Malmö flygplats (Sturup)
Distance from station: E 382kmESSV - Visby flygplats
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 31 km/h
Temperature: 5°C
Wind Chill: 0°C
Dew Point: 3°C
Humidity: 87%
Barometer: 998 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 305 m
Mostly cloudy 1158 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ESSV 211220Z 23017KT 9999 FEW010 BKN038 05/03 Q0998
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Visby flygplats
Distance from station: NNE 92kmESGT - Trollhättan
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from SSW
Wind: SSW 20 km/h
Temperature: 6°C
Wind Chill: 2°C
Dew Point: 5°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 995 hPa
Summary: Rain
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 9 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 152 m
Partly cloudy 274 m
Mostly cloudy 305 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ESGT 211220Z AUTO 21011KT 180V240 9000 RA FEW005/// SCT009/// BKN010/// 06/05 Q0995 REDZ
Rain, Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Trollhättan
Distance from station: ENE 129kmESGJ - Jönköpings flygplats
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 17 km/h
Temperature: 5°C
Wind Chill: 2°C
Dew Point: 4°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 996 hPa
Summary: Light Drizzle
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 8 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 274 m
Mostly cloudy 488 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ESGJ 211220Z AUTO 23009KT 8000 -DZ FEW009/// BKN016/// 05/04 Q0996
Light drizzle, Mostly cloudy
Light drizzle
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Jönköpings flygplats
Distance from station: NNE 229kmESOK - Karlstad
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from ESE
Wind: ESE 6 km/h
Temperature: 1°C
Dew Point: 1°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 992 hPa
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 8 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 366 m
Overcast 457 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ESOK 211220Z AUTO 11003KT 090V170 8000 FEW012/// OVC015/// 01/01 Q0992
  Visa detaljer för Karlstad
Distance from station: N 643kmESNZ - Östersund (Frösön)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from ESE
Wind: ESE 20 km/h
Temperature: -8°C
Wind Chill: -15°C
Dew Point: -9°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 990 hPa
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Overcast 640 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ESNZ 211220Z AUTO 11011KT 9999 OVC021/// M08/M09 Q0990
  Visa detaljer för Östersund (Frösön)
Distance from station: SSE 216kmEKCH - Köpenhamn (Kastrup)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 30 km/h
Temperature: 7°C
Wind Chill: 3°C
Dew Point: 5°C
Humidity: 87%
Barometer: 1002 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 366 m
2024/12/21 12:20 EKCH 211220Z 22016KT 9999 BKN012 07/05 Q1002 BECMG BKN020
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Köpenhamn (Kastrup)
Distance from station: SW 263kmEKBI - Billund Airport
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 26 km/h
Temperature: 7°C
Wind Chill: 3°C
Dew Point: 6°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 1000 hPa
Summary: Light rain
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 396 m
Mostly cloudy 2926 m
2024/12/21 12:20 EKBI 211220Z AUTO 22014KT 9999 -RA BKN013/// BKN096/// 07/06 Q1000
Light rain, Mostly cloudy
Light rain
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Billund Airport
Distance from station: N 302kmENGM - Oslo (Gardermoen)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from varies
Wind: varies 4 km/h
Temperature: -3°C
Dew Point: -3°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 990 hPa
Summary: Freezing Fog
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 1 km
Cloud details: Overcast 61 m
2024/12/21 12:20 ENGM 211220Z VRB02KT 0550 0400SW R19R/0750N R01R/0800U R19L/0800U R01L/0500N FZFG VV002 M03/M03 Q0990 NOSIG
Freezing fog, Overcast
Freezing fog
  Visa detaljer för Oslo (Gardermoen)
Distance from station: NE 540kmEFMA - Mariehamn / Ã…land
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from NW
Wind: NW 2 km/h
Temperature: -1°C
Dew Point: -2°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 994 hPa
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 457 m
Overcast 823 m
2024/12/21 12:20 EFMA 211220Z AUTO 32001KT 9999 BKN015 OVC027 M01/M02 Q0994
  Visa detaljer för Mariehamn / Ã…land
Distance from station: S 558kmEDDT - Berlin (Tegel), Germany
Updated: 2020-11-09 07:50
NOT Current
 Wind from E
Wind: E 11 km/h
Temperature: 6°C
Wind Chill: 4°C
Dew Point: 5°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 1027 hPa
Summary: Mist
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 3 km
Cloud details: Overcast 91 m
2020/11/09 06:50 EDDT 090650Z 09006KT 050V120 3000 BR OVC003 06/05 Q1027
Mist, Overcast
  Visa detaljer för Berlin (Tegel), Germany
Distance from station: SW 737kmEHAM - Amsterdam (Schiphol)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:25
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 41 km/h
Temperature: 8°C
Wind Chill: 3°C
Dew Point: 7°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 1009 hPa
Summary: Light rain, Drizzle
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 366 m
Mostly cloudy 488 m
Mostly cloudy 671 m
2024/12/21 12:25 EHAM 211225Z 23022KT 9999 -RADZ FEW012 BKN016 BKN022 08/07 Q1009 TEMPO 6000 BKN014
Light rain, Drizzle, Mostly cloudy
Light rain
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Amsterdam (Schiphol)
Distance from station: ENE 808kmEFHK - Helsingfors (Vantaa)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from E
Wind: E 6 km/h
Temperature: -1°C
Dew Point: -2°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 993 hPa
Summary: Snow
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 1 km
Cloud details: Overcast 305 m
2024/12/21 12:20 EFHK 211220Z 09003KT 1100 R04L/1900N R15/1800N R22L/1800U R22R/1900U SN VV010 M01/M02 Q0993 TEMPO 0700 +SN
Snow, Overcast
  Visa detaljer för Helsingfors (Vantaa)
Distance from station: SSW 537kmEDDW - Bremen
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 28 km/h
Temperature: 8°C
Wind Chill: 4°C
Dew Point: 5°C
Humidity: 82%
Barometer: 1008 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 579 m
Mostly cloudy 792 m
2024/12/21 12:20 EDDW 211220Z AUTO 23015KT 9999 BKN019 BKN026 08/05 Q1008 NOSIG
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Bremen
Distance from station: SSW 861kmEDDF - Frankfurt am Main
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from S
Wind: S 19 km/h
Temperature: 6°C
Wind Chill: 3°C
Dew Point: 4°C
Humidity: 87%
Barometer: 1017 hPa
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Overcast 488 m
2024/12/21 12:20 EDDF 211220Z AUTO 18010KT 160V220 9999 OVC016 06/04 Q1017 NOSIG
  Visa detaljer för Frankfurt am Main
Distance from station: SW 880kmEBBR - Bryssel international
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 28 km/h
Temperature: 8°C
Wind Chill: 4°C
Dew Point: 6°C
Humidity: 87%
Barometer: 1014 hPa
Summary: Light rain
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 488 m
2024/12/21 12:20 EBBR 211220Z 23015KT 9999 -RA BKN016 08/06 Q1014 BECMG BKN014
Light rain, Mostly cloudy
Light rain
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Bryssel international
Distance from station: SW 738kmEHAM - Amsterdam (Schiphol)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:25
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 41 km/h
Temperature: 8°C
Wind Chill: 3°C
Dew Point: 7°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 1009 hPa
Summary: Light rain, Drizzle
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 366 m
Mostly cloudy 488 m
Mostly cloudy 671 m
2024/12/21 12:25 EHAM 211225Z 23022KT 9999 -RADZ FEW012 BKN016 BKN022 08/07 Q1009 TEMPO 6000 BKN014
Light rain, Drizzle, Mostly cloudy
Light rain
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Amsterdam (Schiphol)
Distance from station: SW 1044kmEGLL - London (Heathrow)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 31 km/h
Temperature: 11°C
Dew Point: 8°C
Humidity: 82%
Barometer: 1009 hPa
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 457 m
Overcast 975 m
2024/12/21 12:20 EGLL 211220Z AUTO 23017KT 9999 BKN015 OVC032 11/08 Q1009
  Visa detaljer för London (Heathrow)
Distance from station: SW 1132kmLFPG - Paris (Charles de Gaulle)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:30
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 22 km/h
Temperature: 9°C
Wind Chill: 6°C
Dew Point: 7°C
Humidity: 87%
Barometer: 1019 hPa
Summary: Light rain
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 549 m
Mostly cloudy 1311 m
2024/12/21 12:30 LFPG 211230Z 23012KT 9999 -RA FEW018 BKN043 09/07 Q1019 TEMPO BKN012
Light rain, Mostly cloudy
Light rain
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Paris (Charles de Gaulle)
Distance from station: SSW 1142kmLSZH - Zürich Airport
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from S
Wind: S 13 km/h
Temperature: 5°C
Wind Chill: 2°C
Dew Point: -3°C
Humidity: 57%
Barometer: 1023 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 1433 m
Mostly cloudy 1707 m
2024/12/21 12:20 LSZH 211220Z 18007KT 150V210 9999 FEW047 BKN056 05/M03 Q1023 NOSIG
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Zürich Airport
Distance from station: S 1749kmLIRF - Rome Airport (Fiumicino - Leonardo da Vinci)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from N
Wind: N 19 km/h
Temperature: 12°C
Dew Point: 2°C
Humidity: 51%
Barometer: 1020 hPa
Summary: Clear
Visibility: greater than 10 km
2024/12/21 12:20 LIRF 211220Z 35010KT CAVOK 12/02 Q1020 NOSIG
  Visa detaljer för Rome Airport (Fiumicino - Leonardo da Vinci)
Distance from station: SE 2679kmLTAI - Antalya
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:20
 Wind from NW
Wind: NW 13 km/h
Temperature: 14°C
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 1013 hPa
Summary: Light rain, Showers
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 213 m
Few Clouds 457 m
Mostly cloudy 762 m
2024/12/21 12:20 LTAI 211220Z 31007KT 9999 -SHRA FEW007 FEW015CB BKN025 14/14 Q1013 NOSIG
Light rain, Showers, Mostly cloudy
Light rain
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Antalya
Distance from station: WSW 6074kmKJFK - New Your (JFK)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:02
 Wind from NNW
Wind: NNW 24 km/h
Temperature: -1°C
Wind Chill: -7°C
Dew Point: -3°C
Humidity: 86%
Barometer: 1014.9 hPa
Summary: Light snow, Mist
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 3 km
Cloud details: Partly cloudy 274 m
Overcast 518 m
2024/12/21 12:02 KJFK 211202Z 34013KT 2SM -SN BR SCT009 OVC017 M01/M03 A2997 RMK AO2 CIG 008 W P0000 T10061028
Light snow, Mist, Overcast
Light snow
  Visa detaljer för New Your (JFK)
Distance from station: WSW 8848kmKLAX - Los Angeles International Airport
Updated: 2024-12-21 12:53
 Wind from calm
Wind: Calm
Temperature: 12°C
Dew Point: 10°C
Humidity: 88%
Barometer: 1021.7 hPa
Summary: Mist
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 6 km
Cloud details: Mostly cloudy 152 m
2024/12/21 11:53 KLAX 211153Z 00000KT 4SM BR BKN005 12/10 A3017 RMK AO2 VIS 1 1/2 RWY24 SLP216 T01170100 10122 20094 55005 $
Mist, Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
  Visa detaljer för Los Angeles International Airport
Distance from station: SE 4968kmOMDB - Dubai International Airport
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:30
 Wind from W
Wind: W 19 km/h
Temperature: 24°C
Dew Point: 11°C
Humidity: 44%
Barometer: 1014 hPa
Summary: Clear
Visibility: greater than 10 km
2024/12/21 12:30 OMDB 211230Z 27010KT 210V290 CAVOK 24/11 Q1014 NOSIG
  Visa detaljer för Dubai International Airport
Distance from station: ESE 8570kmRJTT - Tokyo International Airport
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:00
 Wind from SSW
Wind: SSW 22 km/h
Temperature: 13°C
Dew Point: 4°C
Humidity: 55%
Barometer: 1000 hPa
Summary: Clear
Visibility: greater than 10 km
2024/12/21 12:00 RJTT 211200Z 21012KT CAVOK 13/04 Q1000 NOSIG
  Visa detaljer för Tokyo International Airport
Distance from station: ESE 7125kmZBAA - Peking (Beijing Capital)
Updated: 2024-12-21 13:30
 Wind from NNW
Wind: NNW 29 km/h
Temperature: 0°C
Wind Chill: -6°C
Dew Point: -18°C
Humidity: 25%
Barometer: 1034 hPa
Summary: Clear
Visibility: greater than 10 km
2024/12/21 12:30 ZBAA 211230Z 33008MPS CAVOK 00/M18 Q1034 NOSIG
  Visa detaljer för Peking (Beijing Capital)
WEATHER TRIVIA -  RecyclingAmericans use 2,500,000 plastic bottles every hour! Most of them are thrown away!